Sunday, March 27, 2011

Hope Blossoms

I cannot possibly imagine facing a wall of black water with force enough to level everything in its wake. The amount of destruction and human suffering is beyond comprehension. My heart breaks for so many who have lost loved ones, their homes, livelihoods, all that is familiar, and who now face the terror of radiation.

cherry b2

I grew up just outside of Washington, D.C., where the Cherry Blossoms are the harbingers of spring. The dreamlike explosion of color annually proves the enduring renewal of nature. This year the blossoms remind us not only that out of winter comes spring and renewal, but also that out the darkest and most devastating events, hope blossom.

ring of love

Aroc Urtu is honored to participate in this charity event chock full of many of our favorite designers uniting to raise money for the tsunami victims. Sarah and I have created the “Hope Blossom” pendant as a symbol of our sincerest wishes for healing and renewal.


We’ll keep you posted on this terrific event, and if you’re in NY mark it in your calendar!

Peace, love, and rocks,


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