Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Are You Ready for the Big Day?


get ready

While I am ecstatic that Big Blue is in the Super Bowl on Sunday and I am already anticipating all the nachos I’m planning on eating, and Hello? Madonna at halftime? Awesome! (I hope) … And I am especially looking forward to the Lingerie Bowl. If you haven’t seen this, WATCH! I kid you not – the women in the Lingerie Football League are serious athletes who just happen to play serious football in their lingerie. Once you get past their minimalist uniforms you will see how strong and talented these women are.


But I have totally digressed!  Super Bowl Sunday and Big Blue are not the Big Day I’m referring to at all. I’m talking about Big Red! The day of hearts and expressions of love! Yes, Valentine’s Day. I know a lot of you out there are thinking “Huh, what a load of crap. That made-up holiday created to sell cards”. But wait – what other day of the year are we asked to simply celebrate not just the people we love, but the entire, general experience of love itself?


This very simple shape has come to represent that powerful, almost impossible to describe something called love. And February 14th has come to be the day we set aside to celebrate it in all its shapes, sizes and varieties. Admit it – you love it and are going to rush out to get doilies, ribbons, red craft paper and do it up big time! OK, maybe not, but how about a little candy heart for someone special, or other little token to show affection? And of course, if you’re really in the mood, a special gift is always fun to give.



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