I took a day trip up to visit the Catskill Animal Sanctuary in Saugerties, NY.
“Catskill Animal Sanctuary was founded in 2001 with the mission to rescue farm animals in need, educate the public about the devastating affects of agribusiness, and encourage people to adopt a cruelty-free lifestyle. In the ten years since it was founded, the Sanctuary has rescued over 2,000 farm animals from life or death situations and had shown people that these animals are so much more than what they are perceived to be. CAS’s 80-acre haven is located in Saugerties and offers weekend tours, overnight lodging, event space, educational events, speeches, and vegan cooking lessons for the public.”
If you live or visit the upstate NY area, do stop in. It is not only beautiful, but a very uplifting experience. Seeing these animals ,who have survived unimaginable abuse, thriving and happy got me thinking about how throughout civilization our connection with all God’s creatures has been expressed in jewelry. I am a huge sucker for animal motifs of any variety, so I am going to run with this topic for a while. I think I’ll call it Furry and Feathered Fridays. So here we go!
Firstly, I want to show off my new BFF, Hannah. Who knew turkeys were so adorable and affectionate?!Since meeting her and the other animals at the sanctuary I've come to the conclusion that one of the main underlying uniting conditions of all of us is that we are all, regardless of our species, itchy. All we all want is some great scratching and rubbing. Would you scratch my back, please?
Turkeys are seriously underrepresented in terms of jewelry. There are zillions of other bird jewelry pieces out there – from abstract to extremely lifelike and detailed, but turkeys are just not a hot item. But here’s something that if we squint could look like an ancient turkey.
The roosters strutted around like they owned the place. I guess that’s where the expression “he ruled the roost” comes from… The big guy on the bottom left’s name is Rambo – muy macho.
And who wouldn’t want to rock something like this?
The ring is made by Balinese artist Nyoman Rena, and check out the lovely vintage finds in penorus' Etsy shop.
And geese? We’ve been wearing little representations of these guys since the time of the pharaohs.
Yes, I know this is not a goose, but a close(ish) relative.
Peace, love and rocks,
P.S. I just realized that I had the settings set to not allow comments – DUH!!! But I’d love to hear from you, so please comment away!!!
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