I get really enthusiastic at the farmer's market seeing all the gorgeous fall produce. It all just looks, smells, and feels so amazing. And don't let me forget that all important sense - TASTE. Incredible!
So I carted home enough apples for a family of 10 or so and my husband Ed had visions of many pies, tarte tatins (which I make really well, but I'll tell you about that another time), and other deliciousnesses.
This happened to none other than Martha Stewart, I kid you not.
So here's what I did in a fit of a) not wanting to waste my beautiful harvest, but b) not having the time to make anything at all time consuming. I simply chopped them up, skin and all, but no cores (15 min), threw them in a large sauce pot with some juice and water to barely cover the apples - I think I actually used grapefruit juice, a little cloves and cinnamon, buckwheat honey. I boiled it down until it was mushy, but not too mushy... and VOILA!
this looks SO delicious!