Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What's your dream stone collecting locale?

Both Lauren and I grew up collecting stones as mementos. I grew up spending Summers in the Hamptons while Lauren grew up with a mother who also collected stones. In fact, part of Lauren's validation for continuing the Aroc Urtu project was finding a jar of found stones in the basement of her family home.

While we have both been privileged to have traveled to great beaches around the world, there are always those places that we dream about one day visiting - perhaps on a stone collecting mission?

For me, that place has always been the Maldives. Seeing pictures of the boutique hotels consisting of quaint thatched huts that lie partway in the water have always enchanted me. And besides, you wouldn't even have to go searching for stones if you could dangle your legs off of your own private dock and peer into the water to uncover that perfectly smooth rock! Where's your dream beach?

peace, love, and rocks,


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