Thursday, November 4, 2010

Snakes are good if they are jewelry

Aroc Urtu oxidized sterling and black diamond ring

"Snake (or serpent) jewelry has been worn since ancient times. Each era and part of the world seems to attribute its own symbolic meaning to this intriguing animal; eternal love, healing, fertility, wisdom and even immortality. In early Egyptian society it was the symbol of royalty and deity and the Romans regarded the snake as a symbol of everlasting love."

I think, also, that snakes for many people are terrifying. Personally, while I have a healthy amount of snake fear, I reserve my full-on freak out for rats and roaches. But wearing something that in real life could inflict injury and perhaps even death, becomes a symbol of empowerment and protection when made of precious metals and gems. And don't we all need a bit more power and protection?

"A snake on the hand is worth two in the bush"

Peace, love, and rocks,

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