Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Most Beloved Fruit (and gem)

Nothing screams summer's delight as much as watermelon. I grew up outside of Washington, D.C. where summers were extremely HOT and HUMID. There was a farm stand not too far from home and every time we drove by, my brother, sister and I would plead with my mom to get us a watermelon. Of course she'd stop and get us our fix - it wasn't like we were begging for fireworks to light off in the backyard or anything, though we did that too with less success; and my brother did discover that firecrackers IN watermelon made an amazing explosion... but I digress.

We'd crack the thing open as soon as we got home - unrefrigerated - and it was sooooo flavorful and sooooooo juicy we'd forget all our cares and woes (not that we had many). This amazing fruit also came equipped with it's own entertainment accessory - watermelon seeds! Seed spitting contests, seed necklaces, collages, etc. Times have changed a bit for the beloved pink and green fruit; it's hard to find a melon that has seeds, and some are grown square so they don't roll off the grocery shelves - I kid you not.

And even though the watermelon has been depicted in uncountable still life paintings,

it is still a medium of choice for many artists:

Which brings me to where I was going in the first place. Watermelon tourmaline!! A visually delicious gem. I couldn't wait to show you all (whoever you may be, thank you, thank you) one of our brand new pieces! Green sapphire on top, champagne diamond in the middle and a generous slice of watermelon suspended below. Don't you love it?!?!

Peace, love, and rocks,


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