Tuesday, September 27, 2011

D'un certain âge

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.       
~Emily Dickinson

"I've just come into my own quite late. I'm a late bloomer. You have no idea how insecure I was... I just didn't believe in myself and now I know who I am." Ilona Royce Smithkin

I saw a video on the wonderful blog StyleLikeU last week about 92 year old Ilona Royce Smithkin who is just brimming with energy, joy, color and, well, with life. I was so inspired I sent it on to a few friends who found it as uplifting as I had.


THEN, not two days later, guess who I bumped into on my very own street corner?! (these kind of wild chance encounters seem to happen on a weirdly regular basis to everyone in NYC, go figure...) Ilona!! I stopped her to say how amazing and fabulous she is and she was as kind and vivacious as could be. She also let me in on a great little secret: staying creative fuels the fires of life. Easy, peasy - just keep doing what you love and loving what you do. I love simple, sage advise.                                                                    

There really is very little attention spent on older people in the media, particularly women, and to see someone who is embracing life like it's a party each and every day, regardless of their age, makes me want to join in and celebrate also. Through this video I found another fabulous blog, Advanced Style, that is focused on creative and stylish older folks. Yay! We don't have to quietly fade and shrivel up in a corner somewhere! And remember, lots of things get better with age;

Chateau Mouton-Rothschild 1945, anyone?
Oh, yeah, the smellier and furrier the better!
17th century... really, really old
20th century funky - holds a top spot in my heart
And you know how much I love vintage wind up monkeys

Maybe the thing that gets the best with age........ diamonds! about three billion (yes, BILLION) years of old!
Cheers to embracing life to its fullest as long as possible!

Peace, love, and rocks,

1 comment:

  1. What a great video! She's giving what she has to give! I love it. Thanks for sharing. And are those uncut diamonds? I'm not sure I've ever seen one. They are beautiful! Oh, and hello from the BYW class! And Bravo! for following your dreams, your work is lovely.
