Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October?! Again?! Already?!

It feels like it was just the 4th of July about ten minutes ago, and now it’s full on Fall. Shorter days and chilly breezes. Actually, I jest… it’s still humid and muggy here in NYC and cool air is eagerly awaited. But seriously, Autumn in New York is the stuff of legend – you know the song, right? I’m loving having boots back on, doing some baking, and gearing up for the entire holiday season.










As I said, I’ve gotten a bug in my craw to do some baking. Does anyone out there know what exactly a bug in a craw is?! I hate to imagine – but if you know, please do send an explanation. Both the recipe for the granola bars on the left and the noodle kugel on the right are from a blog I love - Smitten Kitchen. If you are celebrating the New Year and want to bake something supremely delicious for the break fast, this is absolutely the best kugel EVER!!!

Also now that everyone’s not rushing off to the beach on weekends, what’s better than getting together for Sunday brunch? I love meeting up at friends’ homes and snooping into checking out what they’ve been up to. The view from my friend Charlie’s 43rd floor apartment has amazing, dizzying views of lower Manhattan.


And there’s always corners of the city to explore. This weekend I discovered

the New Amsterdam Market.  

Happy Fall, Y’all!

Peace, love, and rocks,


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