Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Some Google Love

Starting a small business is a walk in the park like a roller coaster – blindfolded – standing up – no safety harness – on the front car. Yet exhilarating and wildly fun. My brain is stretched every day into positions I never thought possible. Like extreme yoga for the brain. As a creative, it’s never been part of my skillset to worry (too much) about anything on the business side of things. But now both Sarah and I are learning the ins and outs of finance, marketing, social media and lots of other stuff that used to make my eyes glaze over. I’m so glad to be doing this in NYC where there are some excellent resources and networks for the small entrepreneur.


For instance, a couple of days ago I was invited to the Google offices to attend a meeting about increasing SEO. My friend asked if that’s a medical condition. No, it’s Search Engine Optimization. In other words making Google like your website enough to bring it up at the top of people’s searches. How cool is that?! Learning about working the system by the system itself.


As I had heard, the offices were vast and very cheerfully decorated. It looked like a lot of fun to work there, but no one was out and about playing. They even put out a nice breakfast spread.


Here’s my Google breakfast.


It was a really, really helpful three hours of info that is definitely going to take me a while to digest. How nice of Google was that?



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