Friday, November 18, 2011

Fuzzy Friday because Elephants are not Furry

So it is Friday again. Furry Fridays! Somehow last Friday ran by so fast I missed it and am just now getting to do my favorite posting on animals and their corresponding jewelry. Elephants. I don’t have words to express how much I love them. You probably don’t either because we all just become all mushy around them.  I still remember bawling my eyes out last week as a child when they locked up Dumbo’s mother. So unfair! Anyway, here we go – sit back and enjoy the show.

ele paint


We are so fortunate to be sharing the planet with these awesome animals.

ele DwebbeleCartier

Brooch by David Webb                                    and this one, Cartier


This is a design I did for a client on the left, and the finished piece on the right.


Here’s some cuteness…

elephantCuffelephant shopping cart

I love this cuff by Alkemie made from 100% reclaimed metal, and our Aroc Urtu elephant on a 6ct ruby rondelle.


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