Thursday, December 22, 2011

It’s All Good

I’ve been MIA for a few days. Actually, not missing, but frantically running around like a madwoman on fire getting everything finished and shipped out on time. WHEW! I just got back from UPS having dropped off the last of the Holiday Aroc Urtu orders. Happy! Happy! Joy! Joy! If you ordered something, I hope you love it madly!! And please write about it either here or on the Aroc Urtu Facebook page – Sarah and I would LOVE to hear from you!


Now here’s a beautiful landscape…

Oh! And before I forget. Guess What! Aroc Urtu is in the upcoming issue of Vogue Japan! How darned exciting is that? I can’t read what it says, but given the company of Jake Gyllenhaal and Leo Dicaprio (HELLO), I’ll take it. Very, very gladly at that.

Vogue Japan-February 2012-Aroc Urtu (cov)

(Leo’s bubble comment compliments of me)

So, whatever you are celebrating right now, enjoy it to its fullest!


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