Friday, December 30, 2011

Sleigh Ride

I love New Year’s celebrations. It’s one holiday where we can reflect on our past and set our intentions for the future. A NEW year. A blank slate of 365 unsoiled days laying before us. 365 sunrises awaiting, an unlimited number of opportunities to do right, do good, do more, to be our best and better selves; countless ways and opportunities to take all our accumulated knowledge of the past year and years before this one and move forward into unexplored terrain. photo-1

Much of my efforts this past year have felt somewhat Sisyphean. I love that word. Poor Sisyphus, cursed to push boulders up the hill throughout eternity only to have them roll back down when he got close to the summit. Maybe he deserved it, he was a bit of a schmuck, but eternity? A bit too long. It seems a lot of us are feeling this way – lots of work – difficult to attain the hoped for rewards. I’m learning (slowly) to enjoy the journey up the hill, to take a break now and then to enjoy the view, and if things start to roll back down, to dig in, hunker down and breathe deep. So, enough of my reflecting! Onward and upward! Oh, and for 2012? THERE WILL BE PEARLS!


1 comment:

  1. Happy new year! May this year be a little easier. For some reason, the even years seem to go smoother than the odd. Maybe that will be true for you as well.
