Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SO MUCH New News

Really, there is so much news that I’m afraid I’m going to forget something important! First off, the really big news is that Sarah is engaged! So much love and joyous family celebrations going on – I feel like a human bottle of champagne. In an effervescent way, not an alcoholic way. She will be telling readers more about it on her fabulous blog Chevrons and Stripes. And, by the way and another bit of New News, Sarah and her super stylish new apartment are featured today on The Glitter Guide (another great blog to keep on your radar). Go Sarah!

Aroc Urtu Is so thrilled to be getting buzzed about also. Have you read our interview in iDazzle yet? We are so thrilled with it we are doing a Valentine’s Giveaway with them! Please go check it out and enter because I would love for you to win this ruby ring right here:


And if you haven’t heard, we were featured in Vogue Japan – right next to Leonardo DiCaprio and Jake Gyllenhaal. NICE! I still don’t know what the blurb says, so if you can translate it for me I’d be most grateful.

Vogue Japan-February 2012-Aroc Urtu (cov)405936_10150488983348287_285182503286_8508741_702486269_n

AND on another awesome note, Elizabeth Banks is sporting our diamond slice necklace in Women’s Health Magazine. She is so darn pretty, don’t you think? And I love that this shot was taken just a couple of blocks from where I live. I am so looking forward to seeing her in the Hunger Games!

Women's Health-March 2012- Aroc Urtu (cov)Women's Health-March 2012- Aroc Urtu


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