Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Blue Diamonds

One of the most fascinating things about diamonds is that while we generally think of them as white, with the very finest being colorless, they actually can be any color of the rainbow:  steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and black. Certain colors are extremely rare and highly desirable, making colored diamonds like pinks and blues very, very expensive (the very finest can sell for more than a million dollars per carat).

Why is the sky blue? Why is a diamond blue? Well, I had the sky question explained to me, but I can’t remember the answer. Go Google it and let me know. As for diamonds, let’s go back in time a bit – between 1 to 3.3 billion years (yes, BILLION, which is how long these lumps of carbon have spent being formed under high pressure and high temperature conditions). If there happened to be a presence of boron during this formation of the diamond’s crystal structure, a blue diamond was the result. Very rare, and very beautiful.

Here’s an image of the queen of blue diamonds, the Hope Diamond which is on display at the Smithsonian Museum.


And here’s a picture of a pair of earrings I designed when I was creative director at Vivid Collection (now Leviev). Not my taste, but hey, to each her own.

vivid earrings

And now………………. drumroll ……………………………., something I had never, ever seen before and just had to buy to make something really special for some lucky Aroc Urtu consumer….a blue diamond slice! Yes, such a soft and lovely shade of blue! Flanked by blue sapphires for beautiful blue contrast. A ring that promises to take all your blues away.

